In 2010, a catastrophic failure in a centrifuge caused a violent explosion, which claimed the lives of two workers. The widows of the workers sued, and their cases have been stuck in legal limbo due to a dispute over whether the state court had jurisdiction over the case. Thankfully, a judge recently ruled that the case will move forward in state court, removing one roadblock in the way of the widow’s justice. Their lawsuits allege that the “explosion-proof quality” centrifuge was faulty and the company selling it was negligent in making it, selling it, and training the victims in using it. A Redstone Arsenal investigation faulted Amtec, the company that employed the two victims, because they did not verify the suitability of the equipment used. Amtec itself disputes these findings and has filed its own lawsuit against the manufacturers of the centrifuge. Hopefully the widows will find justice soon without the question of jurisdiction slowing the trials down.
Redstone Arsenal Wrongful Death Trial Moves Forward
September 11, 2012